Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Very First Blog!! the title of this post says...this if my very first blog! Can you believe it?! I know! I know! Where have I been and what have I been doing? LOL. Well obviously I haven't been blogging! But we all have to start somewhere right?! LOL. And with the start of a new year, comes the beginning of a new era for bring on the blogging! I'm so excited! LOL.

But what I'm most excited about is that within a couple of months or so...the blog that didn't exist a few minutes ago...will have a brand new look!! I entered a contest at TBK Designs and was the lucky winner of a free Ready2Go Blog face lift by a very talented lady by the name of Pamela...from The Posh Box!! Pamela does some fantastic web and blog designing and I look forward to working with her over the next couple of months on a new look for my new blog!! Thanks Pamela!! You can check out The Posh Box here... .
And a huge thank you to Kimmi from TBK Designs...because with out her and her contest giveaway...I would not be the lucky recipient of such an amazing gift!!'s time for me to fly here now! I hope you all have a Happy New Year and may 2009 bring you all good health, great happiness and lasting love from the people you hold dear!



  1. Your blog looks GREAT! You and Pamela did awesome together!
    Huggles, Faerie

  2. Thanks Faerie!! I love it and couldn't be more pleased with what Pamela did with it!! It's exactly how I envisioned it!
